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Turning 18? Moved?
Changed your name?
Off papers?
Haven't voted recently?
You may need to register, re-register, or update your registration information!
Missouri residents who are US Citizens & will be 18 years old by Election Day can register to vote as long as they are not currently serving time or on probation or parole; have never been convicted of a voting-related offense; or have not been declared incapacitated.
You can download a paper form (CLICK HERE) to print out and mail in, or you can get one from your local library, at the DMV, from the League of Women Voters office, or at your local election authority office.
If you have a touchscreen device, you can fill out a voter registration form online at the Secretary of State's website (CLICK HERE)
You will need to sign your form using your finger or a stylus on the touchscreen. Try to sign neatly!
Need help? Watch the how-to video below.
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